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James Kottoor |
INDIAN CURRENTS 03 - 09 February 2014 37
(The writer can be contacted at:
The new full form of AAP
is: Aam Aadmi Pope.
He in fact was the first
to herald the dawn of aam aadmi
culture in Vatican and among the
high and mighty world leaders.
He did it after sweeping out the
VVIP Imperial culture telling all
in their face: “Carnival time is
over”. Only he was not called aam
aadmi Pope then.
Now the mindboggling
challenge hurled at over 200
bishops who are to meet at the
Catholic Bishops Conference
of India (CBCI) conference due
to begin in Palai, Kerala, on
February 5 is simply this: Become
Aaam Aadmi Pastors like Pope
Francis. Will their week-long
sitting succeed to give at least an
Aam Aadmi facelift and the much
needed structural change to the
Indian Episcopal conference?
Pappa Francis has been always
talking of a “poor church for
the poor”. Our bishops surely
can do this instantly and at little
cost. How? Just imitate the new
political outfit called Aam Aadmi
Party (AAP) even if it may look
humiliating for those expected to
be role models in society. Bowing
to truth, wherever you find it, is
not humiliating, but ennobling.
Simply declare and proclaim at
the very outset:
“We the Catholic Bishops of
India renounce and reject for
good the VVIP, flashy, flamboyant
culture starting with our addiction
to a soothing royal, imperial, godly
but outdated honorific titles and
appellations like: Your Eminence,
Your Grace, Your Highness, Your
Excellency, Monsignor, Most Rev.,
Very Rev., Rt. Rev., and so on
and the all too costly life style in
palaces and moving about in posh
cars – even imported bulletproof
ones reportedly -- and all sorts of
dressing up for public display like
the newly-weds, in silk and satin,
gold and silver and matching
head gears reminiscent of princes
of a dead bygone era, and the
company of a coterie of “yesmen”
when in public space.”
Ordinaries with Small “o”
Technically and canonically,
Bishops are known as
“Ordinaries” and “Servants of
Servants” with capital “O” and
“S”. It costs far less to become
real ordinaries and servants like
the rest of us with “o” and “s”
in the lower case. Bishops would
then become more Jesus-like who
started off his life from a cattle
shed. He had no place to lay his
head; he walked the dusty roads
of Palestine dressed like any other
Jew though he bitterly criticized
the “long tussles” of High
Priests of his time. The famous
limousine he borrowed for his
triumphal entry into Jerusalem
was an ass and his final crown a
ring of thorns, his burial place a
borrowed tomb.
Our Bishops could further add:
“Call us instead Brother Cardinal,
Brother Archbishop, Brother
Bishop, Brother Priest only,” since
imitating Barak Obama called “Mr.
President” may look too secular for
a religious Indian culture. This is
what Kejriwal did when he gave up
security and red beacon culture and
won the hearts of people instantly.
Why? Because what makes more
sense for the country-bred ordinary
people with little or no education
is semblance than substance, being
carried away more by outward
appearances. Signs and symbols
and body language of leaders who
readily mix with them, sit with
them, walk with them, listen to
them and talk to them from the
heart not from the head capture
their hearts. Prepared speeches
delivered with eloquence from
distant public podiums will make
no sense to them. That is what
Pappa Francis means when he says
that Bishops should have the “smell
of the sheep” which they cannot
have if they are “Airport Bishops”
more in the air than on earth in their
dioceses among their flock.
Francis became an aam aadmi
at one shot when he described
BY James kottoo r
Aam Aadmi Pope and Aam Aadmi Pastors
Two Shades of AAP
38 INDIAN CURRENTS 03 - 09 February 2014
himself: “I am a sinner”. How
much more could he belittle or
humiliate himself before the
whole world? He went on to
say: it is human not only to make
mistakes but even to commit sins,
to equate himself or empathize
with frail humans. He tells a
pregnant deserted lady that he
would baptize her baby when
borne; tells a youngster in distress
to call him “tu” in the singular to
make him feel easy and equal in
his company; lives in community
in common apartment; serves tea
for himself and even for the guard
at his door; carries own handbag
and queues up to board a plane;
delights to visit drug infested
slums. Still the wonder is, he is
not yet accused of being a “friend
of drunkards and prostitutes or
insane” as Jesus his Master was
accused of in His time. In short
humility, simplicity, equality,
approachability, availability and
closeness to the poor (aam aadmi)
everywhere are the hallmarks of
Francis’ papacy, all of which call
for imitation, not imposition, by
Bishops in India and elsewhere.
But it looks Pope’s example has
created ripples and responses
more outside than inside the
Catholic Church. Archbishop
Mar Kurillos of Jacobite Church
of Thiruvalla, Kerala, in his
pastoral letter read in all churches
said that the church should say
good bye to gold and silver
crosses, flag posts, fireworks, etc.
imitating the simplicity of Pope
Francis, according to reports.
Similarly in the secular domain
AAP’s popularity with the poor
has prompted even rival parties
like Congress and BJP to imitate
Kejriwal’s example. But none
of these seems to have made an
impact on the hierarchical life style
in the Catholic Church. This is a
serious point for the consideration
of the CBCI meeting in Palai.
Church Citizens, not Laity
The common people in the
Church now call themselves
Church Citizens since the word
‘laity’ has become obsolete and
fraught with various pejorative
connotations and insinuations
pointing to their lowest status in
the Catholic hierarchical ladder,
similar to ‘Sudras’ in Caste system.
The low castes are considered
good only to be ordered about
because of their assumed
ignorance, illiteracy, incompetence
and slavish attitudes.
Church citizens put them on a
par with bishops, cardinals and
Pope. That is what Pope Francis
wants them to be. So they ask why
they are not part of the Biennial
Assembly of the Church in India.
The Pope had said it explicitly; the
Church should be a communion
of all believers -- Pope, Bishops
and all the faithful. Thinking
with the church does not mean
thinking with bishops. Infallibility
of the church is vested in the whole
church, thinking and acting alike
in mind and heart. It was to find
out the heart beats of ordinary
folks on challenges the family faces
today that Pope Francis ordered
in last October an opinion poll at
parish level, which is in progress in
many countries; sadly it is not even
announced in India.
The role of Bishops is that of
elected political representatives, to
work as servants, not masters. The
faithful are the masters, as “We
the people” are masters in Indian
democracy. Left to themselves
Bishops are like generals who
are nothing and can do nothing
without the army. So the present
gathering of Bishops alone in Palai
is a non-starter as the assembly of
the Church since the laity is and
was acknowledged to be, not only
“in the forefront of the church
but of being the Church” itself
long ago by Pope Pius XII, and
confirmed by Vatican II.
The second moot question is
the theme of the CBCI meet --
“Reformed Church reforming
society”. The phrase “Reformed
Church” reminds one of the prayer
of the Pharisee in the temple. It is an
insult to the intentions, intelligence
and explicit statement of Vatican
II which says unequivocally that
the Church is and has to be always
in dire need of reform (Semper
Reformanda is the phrase used).
So the theme is a non-starter too.
First the church has to put its own
house in order before thinking
of the society outside which is
ahead of the church -- by 200 years
as observed by late Cardinal of
Milan -- in thinking, dialoguing,
discussing through teleconferences
and taking fast decisions.
Ideal Reformed Church
The journey towards an ideal
reformed church is going to be
a very tedious long, journey to
the roots of Christianity, to those
utopian apostolic times when they
had everything in common. In those
days each one worked according to
his capacity and got according to
his needs and therefore no one was
in need or want in the community.
It was the beginning of Christian
Communism, when all did what
they said: “All that is mine is yours”
unlike present day communists
who say: “All that is yours is mine,”
as stated by famous Bishop Fulton
J. Sheen of revered memory.
In such a Church the present
day spiritual leaders – Bishops
and priests or the so-called clergy
– would confine themselves to
prayer, preaching and moral
guidance without fear or favour
(Contemplata tradere = handing
over what they absorbed through
contemplation) and never touch
money to fight the “Idolatry of
Money” in Francis’ words. Money
Humility, simplicity, equality, approachability,
availability and closeness to the poor (aam
aadmi) everywhere are the hallmarks of
Francis’ papacy, all of which call for imitation,
not imposition, by Bishops in India and
elsewhere >>>
INDIAN CURRENTS 03 - 09 February 2014 39
Any Rite is all right, but the craze for
promoting one’s own Rite is disastrous, as
bad as creating divisions untold in place of
unity of all followers dreamt of and prayed
for by Jesus >>>
and prayer of Jesus who built no
church of brick and mortar but
predicted the downfall of their
only Jerusalem temple built by
human hands, as a forewarning
to temples yet to be built by brick
and mortar.
To replace it he also predicted:
“Destroy this temple; I will replace
it in three days.” He did it with his
resurrection and all through life he
was busy building and repairing,
not divisive immovable temples,
but living, walking temples of
flesh and blood -- healing the
sick, the blind, the lame, and
the paralyzed; raising the dead;
feeding the hungry; comforting the
afflicted, oppressed and outcast.
They belonged to all sections of
humanity, but hardly to his own
Jewish blood group which today
is promoted under the guise of
Rite, Community, Patriarchy etc.
Secondly what are these
divided churches? Multiplying
own brand of parishes, dioceses
in all continents -- in the US,
in Australia, in Middle East, in
Europe, raising funds in Euro
and dollar to buy one’s own posh
headquarters very near to the power
centre in Vatican? In doing this
are they spreading the “odour of
matters to take care of the material
needs of the poor, orphans and
widows would instead be handled
by seven or more honest experts
prayed over and chosen, as it used
to be in the Apostolic Church. At
present we can only prayerfully
dream of, and hope against hope
that this utopia comes true one
day. Only none of us may live to
see it happen.
Spreading Rite or Good News?
Two other moot questions
pestering the Indian Church
-- the Syro Malabar Church in
particular -- are: The Rite question
and Defining the concept of
evangelisation. Both need
elaborate discussion, not possible
here. As for Rites, any Rite is all
right, but the craze for promoting
one’s own Rite is disastrous, as
bad as creating divisions untold
in place of unity of all followers
dreamt of and prayed for by Jesus.
It is as bad as promoting religious
colonies and territorial expansion
as the be-all and end-all of all
Rites forgetting Jesus’ words: “My
kingdom is not of this world.”
It is on the same footing as the
universally accepted scandal
called: “Divided churches”,
diametrically opposed to the will
Jesus” or the suffocating stench of a
particular church-brand, and acting
like “I am of Peter,” and “I am of
Paul”? Is this evangelisation meant
to spread the good news of “glory
to God in the highest and peace to
men of good will” worldwide in the
fraternal unity of all humans or is it
not promoting divisive tendencies,
nay divisions within subdivisions
endless as in our accursed caste
system? These are explosive issues
which, if not checked in time, are
bound to explode smashing to
smithereens all tall claims these
divisive forces are indulging in as a
sport of kite flying.
In any case the thinking sections
of Church citizens seem to be very
much exercised over these issues.
Parallel meetings and prayer
processions of Church citizens are
being planned by a Knanaya group
on February 7 in Palai seeking
an end to practising endogamy
(purity of blood) which is against
the teachings of Jesus, Church
laws and human rights. A twoday
seminar is also being held in
Ernakulam on February 8 and 9
by Church Citizens excluded from
the CBCI meet to plan out future
strategy including establishing
direct contact with the easily
approachable Francis Papa. So
the coming days are going to be
challenging times of prayer and
honest introspection to find the
right path for the growth of true
discipleship in Jesus for all church
(The writer can be contacted at:
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