Priests in Xavier's Parish

Parish Priest:

  Fr. Hilary Pereira, SJ  

                                                                                                                                 Fr. Hilary Pereira was born on 14th January 1967 and ordained as a Jesuit Priest on 27th December 2003. He has worked in Anand as Assistant Parish Priest for Nine years, as Parish Priest in Bharuch for Six years and in Anklao for Three years. He has been appointed to St. Xavier's Parish as its Parish Priest from June 2021.

Contact Number:  9408125205


Stephen said...

Very nice blog... such blogs are rare. I spent hour reading it and although i didnt realized it

Nata Entrance

Unknown said...

I can't find the mass timings.

priya said...
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umeacademy said...

Very nice blog... such blogs are rare. I spent hour reading it and although. Thanks for providing this usefull information xaviers institute

Anonymous said...

Where can I find the mass timetable?

Anonymous said...

What time church will open for prayers on December 24 2023

Anonymous said...

What are the English mass timing for Good Friday and ester sunday

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