22 February, 2014

CBCI XXXI PLENARY ASSEMBLY FINAL STATEMENT 13 February, 2014 - with comments

Renewed Church for a Renewed Society
Responding to the Call of Vatican II
As reviewed by the Holy Spirit tonight
The comments are in red in the original of this text.

1. We, the 187 member-bishops of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India (CBCI), came together at the Alphonsian Pastoral Institute, Palai in Kerala, the place sanctified by St. Alphonsa, from February 5 -12, 2014, for the 31st Plenary Assembly. In continuation of the 30th Plenary Assembly’s theme, Role of the Church for a Better India, the Bishops deliberated, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, on the theme:  “Renewed Church for a Renewed Society - Responding to the Call of Vatican II”.  On the 50th anniversary of the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965), the CBCI Plenary Assembly reflected on this theme in the light of the Second Vatican Council documents in order to draw inspiration for her future course of life and ministry. We took into account the reflections of the Catholic Council of India which studied the same theme at its December 2013 annual meeting in Varanasi

2. We first recalled the Church’s self-understanding, enshrined in the Constitution on the Church, Lumen Gentium, as the pilgrim People of God, a community rooted in a deep experience of the Trinitarian God in Christ Jesus.  Ad Gentes, reminds us that the Church is a community with a mission to evangelize, to proclaim the good news of Jesus to all, a mission entrusted to her by Jesus and the Spirit. The Church exercises her mission in a world marked by a tremendous imbalance:  a few very rich and the vast majority poor struggling to eke out a living. The Document on the Church in the Modern World, Gaudium et Spes impels the members of the Church to an involvement in the struggles of suffering humanity based on the principles of respect for the human person, solidarity and effective social dialogue to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor.  Finally, the Council document on the Laity, Apostolicam Actuositatem points out that the lay faithful, who form the vast majority in this People of God, have a specific role in society – that of penetrating and perfecting the temporal order in the spirit of the Gospel. The above para looks like a recitation rather than a reflection. This is old hat. What is new in it to ignite the interest of those reading it?

3. When we look at our country, we see corruption plaguing every sphere of society. Only a passing reference to monumental and Himalayan corruption that has been uncovered almost every week since November 2010? Rs 176,000 crores in telecom along, a similar amount in coal, an FIR against Mukesh Ambani and Veerappa Moily only last week and all you can do is make a passing reference? Is this being prophetic? Who are you afraid of? Or are you afraid of meeting the fate of Sr Valsa John, the IOC engineer and so many others who have been killed merely for speaking out against corruption? In such a scenario, Church institutions must be an example of transparency and probity. Are they? Why do we shy away from making a judgmental statement? Isn’t that why God gave his creatures a mind and critical faculties?  How do you jump suddenly to internal migration? What is the connection between corruption and migration? Another phenomenon is that of internal migration which, while opening opportunities to people, has torn the cultural and religious moorings that sustained them. What about the hatred of migrants that we are seeing in our country and even in the church? Not wanting people from other parts of India even in the church – witness the Church in Bangalore, the recent killings in Delhi, the raids on Nigerians by a government minister in Delhi – did the archbishop of Delhi and his people raise their voices against this violation of their human dignity and the law itself? Globalization too has brought in its wake problems like prolonged working hours which have disrupted family life. What a childish statement on the church’s favourite whipping horse! As if people did not work long hours before globalization – and for less money! What about the benefits of connectivity that God has helped through the Internet, the connectivity that has also created massive work shifts – with pluses and minuses? And why this sudden jump from globalization to fundamentalism as if it is a new phenomenon? We witness the trend to fundamentalism which seeks to dilute the secular character of our nation. Against this trend, we stand by the values upheld by the Indian Constitution and appeal to governments to respect these values. Which government has been known to heed appeals to respect these values? How often have you gone to court to enforce those values? What are courts for? Do you remember how the right to life itself was violated in Kandhamal and in Mangalore one Sunday afternoon in 2008 when 21 churches were attacked? What leadership did you show and what legal action did you take to enforce your constitutional rights? Did you not reject offers by a group of lawyers to help you enforce those rights? Have you told your people why you did that?    

4. The Church in India has tried to live up to the vision of Vatican II. Tried? Tried? For 50 years? Tell them, your people, what commitments you made and where you failed and why. Several people have been led to a deep experience of God through reading the Word of God without action, through the traditional practices of piety again without action, easy to do in the church compound, and through the Charismatic Movement Praise the Lord Hallelujah! In many places Small Christian Communities, rooted in the Word and Eucharist have been established. Really? Aren’t these SCCs cynically referred to as Samosa-Chai Charcha “These communities are a sign of vitality within the Church, an instrument of formation and evangelization, and a solid starting point for a new society based on a 'civilization of love'" (Redemptoris Missio, 51). The Church has worked for the uplift of the downtrodden. True but not because of the institutional church in the last 40 years but because of the courageous commitment of individuals and small groups determined to be the Light in the darkness around. She has been appreciated for the way she has responded immediately to natural calamities, for her unbiased outreach to the needy and vulnerable sections of society. Participatory structures have been established in several regions, dioceses and parishes. The 2010 CBCI Gender Policy has been hailed as a step in the right direction. How many church institutions have a Vishaka Committee or Grievance Redressal Committees staffed and dominated by strong women? Youth have experienced empowerment through training programs and services. Have they? Is that why they are outstanding Catholics, outside the church doors and also voting with their feet towards other new faith groups that demand more involvement from them than the Catholic Church?

5.  However, there is still need for improvement. An understatement! The reflections of the Plenary Assembly centred chiefly on seven areas:

5.i. Fostering God Experience: What is needed is a deep experience of the Trinitarian God drawing on the treasures of the Church especially the Word and Sacraments. For this, our liturgies have to be well prepared, participative and meaningful. Hence, we have decided to initiate a renewal in the celebration of the liturgy so that it becomes an effective means for Christ-centred God experience.  We bishops have to be ourselves Spirit-filled men of God, giving priority to prayer and to the Word of God, and helping our clergy and lay faithful to become aware of God’s presence and activity in their lives.  The God experience will will did you say? Will in the future? Have you set a deadline? And what kind of commitment have you made to bring about that conversion?  lead to an inner conversion made visible in the simplicity of our lives, in our attitude of love, compassion and forgiveness.  Following the example of Pope Francis, we will live a genuinely simple, humble, welcoming and outgoing life reaching out to all people.  We will so orient the formation of future priests and religious that they enter the ministry with an attitude of humility, ready to serve the poor and marginalized of society. Aha! Now you are talking! At least you have Pope Francis to follow, even though you forgot the Son of Man who had nowhere to lay his head while the Holy Roman Pontiff had a whole palace to himself which Pope Francis rightly refused to stay in! I am glad you are noticing these changes brought about by Pope Francis.

5.ii. Addressing justice issues: The experience of God will lead us to involvement in and solidarity with the marginalized and the exploited, those suffering from disabilities, those living in the peripheries of economic, cultural and social spheres. We will speak out only speak out? How much have you spoken out against corruption? Did you speak out against it to Sonia when you went to garland her a few weeks ago? against all forms of injustice meted out to them and we will defend their rights. Defend rights did you say? When you did not stand up for the constitutional rights of the people of God in Kandhamal and Karnataka? We listened to the call of Pope Francis urging us to “work to eliminate the structural causes of poverty and to promote the integral development of the poor.” (Evangelii Gaudium, no. 188). We want wanting is not enough, you wanted that for a long time. What commitment have you made? the Church to be truly a Church of the Poor.  We reaffirm our solidarity with the Dalits in India who continue to be oppressed. Talk, talk, talk again! The CBCI reiterates its resolve to struggle for equal rights of Dalit Christians on par with their counterparts in other religions. How many bishops are ready to go to jail, to by clubbed by police batons, water cannon?  We will continue the fight against the 1950 Presidential Order, which unjustly discriminates against Dalit Christians and we demand that the Government remove this 64 year injustice. Justice delayed is justice denied. We also commit ourselves to rooting out all forms of discrimination within the Church and ensuring equal opportunities in leadership roles for Dalit Christians. OK, so what commitments have you made there? Commitment, my dear bishop, commitment!

5.iii. Ensuring for our lay faithful their rightful place:  Recognizing the God-given talents and potentialities of the lay faithful, we will, in the first place, listen more to their voice. Hence, we commit ourselves to establish Pastoral Councils in every diocese. Is that all you can talk about 50 years after Vatican II? Aren’t you ashamed to even say it? We realize that formation of the lay faithful is the need of the hour. Really? Haven’t you destroyed formation through nominating your yes-men and yes-women? To this end, we commit ourselves, as a priority, to initiate programmes for lay formation to equip them to play their role in the Church and society.

5.iv. Stamping out strong word! Discrimination against Women. We commit ourselves to strive for the equal dignity of and equal opportunities for women so will you start by paying women (nuns and lay women) on par with priests, providing especially equal opportunities for the education of the girl child. We wholeheartedly support the campaign against female foeticide and domestic violence.  In the face of increasing sexual abuse and violence in Indian society, we will do all in our power to enforce discipline so as to ensure a secure environment in our institutions for women and children how cleverly you dodge commitment! Couldn’t you commit yourself to instituting Vishaka committees in every church institution where there are women as per the guidelines of the Indian Supreme Court? Why are you shying away? Are you aware that when you were having your meeting in Palai, Maharashtra proposed that every institution without a committee would be fined heavily till it set up one?    

5.v.. Creating a Christian presence in political and public life.  We depend in a special way on our youth, the future leaders of the Church and society. As bishops we realize much more needs to be done for them. We want want to, always a want to, never a commit to! Why are you bishops afraid of making the same commitment you seek from others? As for leadership, do you forget that Ossie Gracias came to this Palai meeting wearing three hats? Is that leadership?  to embark on intensive programmes for them to enter into the mainstream of public life so as to ensure value-based politics. Hence, we request every region to set up, wherever possible, training centres to prepare the youth for leadership roles in civic and political life.    

5.vi. Promoting Dialogue. India is home to a rich variety of ancient cultures and religions.  The Church in India has to be a Church in dialogue.  We urge our lay faithful to engage in the “dialogue of life”, mingling with our brothers and sisters of other religious traditions, greeting them on their feast days and being with them in life’s vulnerable moments such as sickness and death. Besides strengthening the already existing Small Christian Communities, we will seek to establish Basic Human Communities which would be a powerful means for communal peace and harmony. 

5.vii. Safeguarding Ecology. The Bishops re-affirm their commitment to the protection of nature.  We stand for sustainable development of peoples and human ecology. Is this why you still believe in putting up ugly concrete structures? The CBCI Plenary Assembly shares the apprehensions of people living in the Western Ghats and in the areas affected by the 2011 Notification of the Ministry of Environment on the Coastal Regulation Zone. I love the way you pick something from the newspapers that does not cost or demand anything from you and put it into this mish-mash of a statement! We appeal to the Union Government to protect the civic rights of the inhabitants in areas adversely affected by the proposals of the Madhav Gadgil and Kasturirangan Reports. Have you read the two reports and how they are different from each other! The CBCI also shares the similar concerns of the tribal population in Chhattisgarh, Odisha, Madhya Pradesh and Jharkhand fast coming under mining projects. Yes, of course, how can you not mention the tribals by way of lip service!                  

6. The road ahead of us is challenging.  But we count on the presence of the Risen Lord who, through the power of His Spirit, “makes all things new” God helps only those who help themselves and this is where I find you wanting terribly! (Rev. 21:5). All renewal is always the work of the Spirit. Remember, the Holy Spirit works only if you let her! We place our efforts at renewing the Church in view of renewing society in the hands of Mary, our Mother, the Star of Evangelization. 

Fr. Joseph Chinnayyan
Deputy Secretary General &
Spokesperson, CBCI

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