01 January, 2014

Happy New Year to all our friends - Epiphany

Epiphany (A) 05-01-14

Matthew 2: 1 to 12  


The Magi come from the East, a place that evoked among Jews the home of astrology and other mysterious sciences. They are pagans. They do  not know the Holy Scriptures of Israel, but all too well, the language of the stars. They are looking for the truth and set out to find it. They are guided by the mysterious, and  feel the need to "worship".

Their presence causes a flutter in all Jerusalem. The Magi have seen a new star shine that makes them think that a "king of the Jews" has been born and they have come to "worship” him. This king is not Caesar Augustus. Neither is he  Herod. Where is he? This is their question.

Herod was "startled". The news does not make him very happy.. It is he who has been appointed "King of the Jews" by Rome. The newborn king must be done away with. Where is this strange rival? The "chief priests and scribes" know the Scriptures and know that  he will be born in Bethlehem, but they do not care about the child nor do they set out to worship him.

This is what Jesus will find throughout his life: hostility and rejection by the representatives of political power, indifference and resistance in religious leaders. Only those who seek God's kingdom and His righteousness will welcome him.

The Magi continued their long search. Sometimes, the star that guides them leaves them in uncertainty. At other times, it shines again filling them with "great joy". Finally they find the Child, and "falling on their knees, worship him”.Then, they place at his service  the wealth they have and the most valuable treasures they possess.. This child can count on them as they recognize him as their King and Lord.

In its apparent simplicity, this story presents us with crucial questions: before whom do we kneel in worship? Which is the God we worship in the depths of our beings? We call ourselves Christians, but do we live in adoration of the Child of Bethlehem? Do we place at his feet our wealth and our prosperity? Are we ready to heed his call to enter the kingdom of God and His righteousness? In our lives there is always a star that guides us towards Bethlehem.

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