30 March, 2013



P.J. Joseph, SJ
I have, by now, seen many articles expressing opinions on Pope Francis washing the feet of a small group of 12 young people on Manudy Thursday this year. Among them were two girls and two Muslims. And they all looked like humans!

Some 'good Christians' thought that Pope was breaking a tradition, others thought he was setting a 'questionable example', and still others thought he was breaking a 'church law'... and others may be still thinking and thinking....!

A fascinating thought among all these good people is that 'foot washing' is a ritual... which from their expressions look like having little or no significance in practical life except of course the symbolic meaning.....! It is to be done once a year in a church and let it be until next year!

And I for one, never for a moment think that Jesus did the foot washing to make it a 'ritual'. He did it to show something to his disciples; and all of them saw it and some even understood a bit (till he explained its meaning to them).
But my dear friends, you can always discover more in that so called 'ritual' as I did 10 years ago. It was 2003 and I was just getting out of my 33 days of 'being with Jesus'. If there was one singular experience that touched me so deeply at that time, it was the foot washing!

And as soon as I was out, came a phone call from home saying there was a major problem - property dispute - where all siblings are at war with each other! And I had no clue as to what to do to bring an amicable solution! But something prompted me from within.... 'do as Jesus did'. After a long thought, I decided to do, but not without a scary thought of others branding me as 'gone crazy'..! Well, I reached home after a long journey... kept silence for 6 hours, called all family members (they all came with the hope of finding an easy solution). Then I read that gospel passage, gave a small explanation, and I WASHED THEIR FEET beginning with the eldest to the youngest. It was not a Maundy Thursday. You could have seen the tears rolling down their cheeks! It took only a day settle the dispute.

Foot washing is not just a ritual, my dear friends. It is the essence of the Bible, theology in action, 'liberating the creative energy' in us. If you have never done it, try out once, you will know..!!

P.J. Joseph, SJ

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